About the Inactive Client Program
A proven program now utilized by over a thousand practices that brings inactive clients back into your practice. Yes – you read that right!
Pet owners don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.
This powerful statement is one of the cornerstones of successful veterinary practice. It’s also the basis of PHP’s Inactive Client Reengagement Reminder Program and has shown to be highly effective in bringing lapsed clients back to veterinary practices.
PHP is providing you with an opportunity to utilize emails from this program that offer proven success in reengaging clients who have been absent from their veterinary practices.
How is this program different than other reminder programs?
There are two main points that set apart the PHP Inactive Client Reengagement Reminder Program from other typical reminder programs:
- This program is based on the client’s visitation history, not a timetable for a specific service (i.e., for heartworm testing). The program asks practices to identify pet owners who have been inactive for a specific period. For example, many practices target those pet owners who have been absent from the practice for 14 months or longer.
- A service-specific reminder (e.g., for heartworm testing) is used by many practices, but it’s been shown that it may not be the most persuasive message because it overlooks altogether the relationship between the pet, the owner, and the veterinary practice. Instead of service-specific reminders, the PHP reminder program consists of an empathetic message that emphasizes three specific points to pet owners:
- Recognition that pet owners want to provide great care for their pets but they have busy lives and it can be difficult to get their pets in for regular exams
- Sincere concern from the practice for their pets’ health.
- Yearly checkups are as important as food and love

The Proven Impact of the PHP program
During 2015-2016, PHP partnered with Vetstreet, a leading provider of integrated veterinary marketing solutions, to provide a client-centric email reminder program to reengage inactive pet owners. Vetstreet software was used to enroll 1,612 practices in PHP’s program which targeted pet owners whose pets had not been seen by a veterinary practice for 14 months or greater. The data results convincingly demonstrated the program’s ability to reengage inactive clients.
Within 180 days of sending a reminder message, practices that used the PHP program:
- Had an overall 8.5% inactive-client response rate (the percentage of clients who responded to the email and brought their pets in for an appointment), which is considered high by overall industry standards.
- Brought in an average of 128 lapsed clients per practice.
- Had an outstanding reengagement response from cats and senior pet owners!
38% of returning patients
had been inactive for
more than 24 months!!
Most importantly, the program motivated a large population of previously inactive patients (126,576 total patients), which were reconnected to the 1,612 participating practices and began receiving essential services needed for optimum health and wellbeing.
By utilizing these tools you will be able to...
Begin to enjoy the renewed relationships between your practice team and the previously inactive clients who bring their pets in for exams. By reengaging lapsed clients, not on the basis of specific services but to provide comprehensive, regular preventive healthcare, your practice is providing a large number of your MIA patients the care they need and deserve!
Time to Complete
It will take several hours to familiarize yourself with the client email choices and to discuss implementation with your practice management software provider.
Inactive Client Reminder Program Published White Paper
Read the American Animal Hospital Association-American Veterinary Medical Association White Paper, A New Reminder Program Available to Veterinary Practices that Re-engages Inactive Clients and Delivers the Benefits of Preventive Care, to learn more about the study details and extraordinary program results.
Bring Back Your Practice’s Inactive Clients
Finding and keeping clients is one of the toughest jobs these days. Many practices have a large number of inactive clients; those clients who haven’t been in with their pets for 18 months, 24 months or longer. Bringing these clients back is often easier than finding new clients and yet many practices don’t focus on this. Check out this webinar to understand how the Inactive Client Reminder Program can benefit your practice!
Inactive Client Reminder Email Templates for Your Practice
These email templates can be used in almost ALL practice management software systems or email marketing systems.
Client Emails without Discount
You have selected not to include a discount offer in your email to your clients. PHP has put together two options to help you implement this program. Both options contain the compelling messages and images that make this program so successful.
- Option 1 – Personalizable version (html):
These emails can be personalized with the patient’s name, your practice name and contact information.
- Option 2 – Non-personalizable version:
These emails cannot be personalized with the patient’s name, your practice name and contact information.
The files are zipped folders that contain multiple versions of the emails (dog, cat or both), as well as follow-up versions of the emails.
Please note, you will need to upload the images to a web server and create the templates using the provided HTML within your practice management or email system. Make sure to include an unsubscribe option and the physical address the email is being sent from to remain in compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act.
Inactive Client Reminder Email Templates for Your Practice – With Offer of $25 Discount
These email templates can be used in almost ALL practice management software systems or email marketing systems
This template includes a $25 discount off the cost of the office exam. Please note, your practice is responsible for the $25 discount. Your practice will not be reimbursed for the discount by Partners for Healthy Pets.
Client Emails with Discount
You have selected to include a $25 discount offer in your email to your clients. PHP has put together two options to help you implement this program. Both options contain the compelling messages and images that make this program so successful.
- Option 1 – Personalizable version (html):
These emails can be personalized with the patient’s name, your practice name and contact information.
- Option 2 – Non-personalizable version:
These emails cannot be personalized with the patient’s name, your practice name and contact information.
The files are zipped folders that contain multiple versions of the emails (dog, cat or both), as well as follow-up versions of the emails.
Please note, you will need to upload the images to a web server and create the templates using the provided HTML within your practice management or email system. Make sure to include an unsubscribe option and the physical address the email is being sent from to remain in compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act.